SmallTown Strings at Tapped Mukilteo

I recently met and photographed an amazing band at Tapped Mukilteo.

SmallTown Strings is an awesome band made up of young adults and pre-teens. The oldest member of the band is currently 17.

The most insane thing about the band is how crazy talented they are despite the fact that they’re all so young.

SmallTown Strings basically killed it on all the major stringed instruments! I was lucky enough to be able to get some great pictures throughout the night.

SmallTown Strings are currently on tour. Do yourself a huge favor and follow them on Instagram.

I wish SmallTown Strings all the luck in the world with their endeavors and their craft. They’re already amazing, but I’d bet money they’re not done growing and succeeding yet.


Music on Mukilteo Beach


A Fantastic Naked Celebration (18+)